Sunday, August 19, 2007

Where is Madhu ?

So, since not a lot of people have been visiting my blog, I am sure that there would be none to create an outcry over this outdated blog that I have utterly disregarded. I finally decided to resurrect my blog today.

A funny incident happened today to a close friend of mine that I'd like to share. He (let's call him Mr.Poor-Guy#1) has been in a stable relationship with this girl (let's say..Little Miss Sunshine) for over more than 4 years now. They do not live in the same city, so you can imagine its a little hard on them to keep a long distance relationship. I have known this chap almost ever since I was born, and he is just the most wonderful guy you can imagine. Little Miss Sunshine also is pretty witty and nice (atleast she seemed so when I was introduced to her ... ). It so happened that at a gathering, this couple came to ask her if she would like to join them for a concert they were going to the following weekend. Unaware of any reason for this out-of-the blue niceties, she agreed. At the next moment, she was told that this other guy (let's call him Mr.Poor-Guy#2) is also accompanying them to the concert. Only then it did dawn on our Little Miss Sunshine that this was a setup - she was tricked into accepting an offer to take her out on a "date". Luckily for her (and unluckily for Poor-Guy#2), she stood up to her love for Poor-Guy#1, and told the couple that she was already with someone she loves. However, (here comes the mistake that our Little Miss Sunshine did) she not only mentioned that she was "flattered" to be asked out, to the couple (mistake #1), she also mentioned this whole episode to Mr.Poor-Guy#1 (mistake #2 - some things are better left unsaid ...). So the my dearest friend Mr.Poor-Guy#1 (though he had a good laugh) did not know what to make of it: Was he lucky? Why was Little Miss Sunshine "flattered"? How come he never got the opportunity to be "flattered" ? The fact that he had once met the couple who tried to set her up for what would have been his nemesis seemed to bother him. Were they his sworn enemies in some pre-birth existence, and decided to follow him to this mortal existence to try and get back at him ?

Anyways, I am sure this was just a few moments of confusion that my friend Poor-Guy#1 went through, or so he tells me. He is alright now. And Little Miss Sunshine is as loving as ever. I do feel sorry for Mr.Poor-Guy#2. I mean, common guys, can't you do your homework before you ask a girl out. I heard there is an unwritten code-of-honor between guys - never ask a girl out (even if the opportunity is up for grabs) when she is with someone. Haven't you heard the proverb: As you sow, so shall you reap. ? hahaha. Well I managed to convince my friend that it must have been all a big misunderstanding. So he is happily relaxing inside my head right now ....


Raj said...

What comes first: the chicken or the egg? I agree with you on the unwritten code-of-honor that one should not ask a girl out without knowing if she is available/committed. But, to know this, you need to know the girl/her close friend(s), who can reveal this. And in case (which may not be applicable to the situation in the blog) the girl and her friends are total strangers, there's no other option but to meet her. All the times (atleast all the times for any of my friends), when a guy gets attracted to a girl, the first question that pops up is, is she available? So, though not exactly on the same lines as the chicken-egg situation, this is still a tough one to figure out. And, luckily/unluckily, my turn to get confused is yet to come! :D

thREDs by Sandra said...

In this case there was a mediator between Miss Sunshine and Unlucky Guy #2. If the couple, who had the idea to set the two up, was smart, they would've asked first how her boyfriend was doing? If Miss Sunshine didn't have one, she would've replied, oh, I don't have one. Then they could proceed to ask if she was interesting in going on a date, etc. Since she has a boyfriend, naturally she would say, he's doing great. Then they could've ask why they hadn'tI haven't seen him in which she could have explained the long distance relationship. To just assume that the gal is single and looking for a date is bad measure. Take some time to ask. It's a little bit harder for a single guy to go up to a gal and ask how her boyfriend is. But there are ways around it. I'll write in a seperate message for all you single guys.

thREDs by Sandra said...

#1-Use a mediator. Keep your identiy secluded and send someone else in to do the investigating for you. It's best if you're mediator has at least had some casual contact with the girl and is clever enough to ask the right questions to discover her status. Than with correct status in hand you can start the casual flirting.

#2-Become the casual contact. How do you approach a stranger and introduce yourself? You must've seen them some where and probably more than once. Hey, aren't you in so and so's class? What do you think of it? Don't you work in so and so department? Do you like it? Talk casually and see how the conversation goes. Build up the casual aquaintence than sneak in some fishing questions to discover availablility. If single and avilable than procceed.

#3-Be direct. There's nothing like cutting to the chase and asking straight out "Are you single/available?" If she's not or not interested she'll say "no". If she's single and interested she'll say "yes".

Hope that helps!

Madhu Srinvasan said...

So Raj .. I think you got your answers. That was Dating-101 from a well-wisher of all the single guys out there !

Neeraja said...
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Raj said...

Phew! That was one *crash* course!! But I guess I already cleared it, because I know I would have used "#3-Be direct" if such a situation came up! :D Btw, I hope "s" understood that I had mentioned that the comment I made was not applicable to the case mentioned in the blog? :)